Georgia Tech
Science Olympiad



Mission Statement
Engage Science Olympiad Alumni at Georgia Tech in organizing events and motivating students by serving the Science Olympiad community.
Our Service
Science Olympiad @ Georgia Tech is proud to announce that it will be hosting the very first Yellow Jacket Invitational in addition to the Georgia State Division C Science Olympiad competition for the third consecutive year. Georgia Tech student volunteers bring their various expertise and immense passion for science to writing exams, fabricating supplies, preparing labs, and hosting workshops to provide an optimal and memorable competition experience for high school students.
The Georgia Tech campus will be the bustling hub for two events: the Georgia Division C Science Olympiad Tournament and the Yellow Jacket Invitational. Centered around the Clough Undergraduate Learning Commons' lab spaces. Centered around the Clough Undergraduate Learning Commons and using its state-of-the-art lab spaces, these competitions promise an immersive and challenging experience. Participants can look forward to 23 official competitive events, alongside a variety of intriguing trial events scheduled for the day. Additionally, the campus will be alive with interactive workshops and informative sessions.

A special thanks to our sponsors for supporting us in hosting our tournaments!

Campus Services Campus Services
Logo for Campus Services
School of Electrical and Computer Engineering
Logo for School of Electrical and Computer Engineering
Georgia Tech Alumni Association Student Foundation
Logo for Georgia Tech Alumni Association Student Foundation
School of Materials Science and Engineering
Logo for School of Materials Science and Engineering
Parents Fund For Student Life & Leadership
Logo for Parents Fund For Student Life & Leadership
Strategic Energy Institute
Logo for Strategic Energy Institute
Georgia Tech Research Institute
Logo for Georgia Tech Research Institute
Georgia Tech
Science Olympiad