About Us

Science Olympiad at Georgia Tech is an undergraduate student group with a mission to engage and empower students striving to become scientists and engineers through the Science Olympiad experience.

We work around the year both within Georgia Tech and in the Atlanta area to promote Science Olympiad opportunities for students. We are especially excited to be hosting the Georgia Science Olympiad State Tournament for the 3rd year in a row and the very first Yellow Jacket Invitational, and this would not be possible without the dedication and effort of our members!

🐝 Our Team 🐝

Picture of Allen Chang
Picture of Allen Chang

Allen Chang


Picture of Sparsh Kudrimoti
Picture of Sparsh Kudrimoti

Sparsh Kudrimoti

Vice President

Picture of Vidit Pokharna
Picture of Vidit Pokharna

Vidit Pokharna

Finance Officer

Picture of Siva Appana
Picture of Siva Appana

Siva Appana

Build Director

Picture of Sean Ru
Picture of Sean Ru

Sean Ru

Build Director

Picture of Dylan Chandra
Picture of Dylan Chandra

Dylan Chandra

Build Director

Picture of Syaam Khandaker
Picture of Syaam Khandaker

Syaam Khandaker

Exam Director/Physics

Picture of Tonya Melnikova
Picture of Tonya Melnikova

Tonya Melnikova

Exam Director/Chemistry

Picture of Cade Jones
Picture of Cade Jones

Cade Jones

Exam Director/Biology

Picture of Shriya Nayak
Picture of Shriya Nayak

Shriya Nayak

Exam Director/Earth Science

Picture of Ashika Srivastava
Picture of Ashika Srivastava

Ashika Srivastava

Competitor Logistics

Picture of Morgan Duvall
Picture of Morgan Duvall

Morgan Duvall

Volunteer Logistics

Picture of Jason Katz
Picture of Jason Katz

Jason Katz

Tournament Logistics

Picture of Harsha Gaddipati
Picture of Harsha Gaddipati

Harsha Gaddipati

Public Relations

Picture of Julie Young
Picture of Julie Young

Julie Young


For more information about Science Olympiad, please visit https://www.soinc.org/

Created by Science Olympiad @ Georgia Tech 2024