Why Sponsor Science Olympiad @ Georgia Tech?
Science Olympiad provides a STEM-oriented competition environment, where passionate high school students and Georgia Tech student volunteers coalesce. Funding is necessary to host the State tournament and workshops for Atlanta high school students on the prestigious and pricey Georgia Tech campus. If you or your company/organization is interested in contributing to this noble effort, we, the executive board of this organization, encourage you to view the document applicable to your position.
Sponsorship Tiers



  • Major feature in all events
  • Logo on any promotions
  • Special mentions
  • This is in addition to the rewards in Silver and Bronze



  • Logo featured on t-shirts
  • Mentions in selected events and media
  • This is in addition to the rewards in Bronze



  • Acknowledgment during event
  • Logo in program brochure
Our Sponsors

A special thanks to our sponsors for supporting us in hosting our tournaments!

Campus Services Campus Services
Logo for Campus Services
School of Electrical and Computer Engineering
Logo for School of Electrical and Computer Engineering
Georgia Tech Alumni Association Student Foundation
Logo for Georgia Tech Alumni Association Student Foundation
School of Materials Science and Engineering
Logo for School of Materials Science and Engineering
Parents Fund For Student Life & Leadership
Logo for Parents Fund For Student Life & Leadership
Strategic Energy Institute
Logo for Strategic Energy Institute
Georgia Tech Research Institute
Logo for Georgia Tech Research Institute